Server Form
HW 0 (Math)
- Princeton NEU 314 Sections 1 through 2.1 (Least squares with vector calculus)
- Stanford cheat sheets on ML and math
- Calculus for ML cheat sheet
- Linear Algebra Review
Intro to ML
- Pandas API reference
- Numpy API reference
- Data 100 (specifically the course notes)
- CS197 Harvard: Moonwalking with PyTorch (neural networks!)
Classical ML
Deep Learning
- 3Blue1Brown Course
- Deep Dive on Back Prop Video
- Optimizers
- Micrograd - Try to Build Backprop Yourself (by Andrej Karpathy!)
Convultions & CNNs
- Understanding Convolutions (old NMEP HW!)
- CNNs Visualized
- Simple CNN Explanation
- MIT Convolutional Neural Networks
- Convolutional Neural Networks (LeNet)
Object Detection
- Understanding of Object Detection
- A comprehensive review of object detection
- Deep learning models for classification
- Data C182 (part 2 and part 4 of the lecture on transformers)
- The Illustrated Transformer
- Constituency Parsing
- Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics
- Show, Attend, and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation (all about visual transformers)